Flexible Co-Housing Structures
While the whole world is facing a trend of urbanization, with an unprecedented prediction of 68% metropolitan inhabitants on the global scale within 2050, also the Netherlands is facing increasing pressure on the urban housing market linked to a housing shortage that has been recently defined by the Dutch government of the scale of about 1.000.000 households in a country that contains about 8.000.000.
With the topic of flexible living high on the political agenda as a possible answer to this problem, most of the solutions provided by manufacturers remain in the domain of single, stacked, non-urban, units, and tend to ignore densification possibilities in urban contexts.
At the same time, residents experimenting new ways of sharing spaces, amenities and services within various co-housing cooperatives try to address in an innovative way the rising cost of housing.
Flexibility and cohousing, if combined, can constitute an example to give technical answers to social problems, and to give social value to specific technical approaches. Adaptable, smart and circular structures are needed to address those demands in a fast and sustainable way.
Flexibility in combination with co-housing creates added value to living solutions by addressing the societal housing changes that may occur along time.
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