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New Urban Networks

addressing urgent housing and circularity challenges in the urban environment

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Optoppen | Built By Nature


The Built by Nature Fund has awarded an international consortium, including NUN, a significant grant to help owners, investors and city planners better understand the ‘topping up’ of existing buildings, using mass timber to keep construction emissions to a minimum.
As New Urban Networks EU we are delighted to be part of this year-long project, together with Holland Houtland, Creative City Solutions, Mule Studio, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Rising Tide and led by Whitby Wood.
Optoppen increases the useable space in a building through lightweight roof extensions, using timber to create a carbon sink on top of cities, contributing to both urban decarbonisation targets and densification strategies. With the current housing crisis this is an alternative to demolishing structures to build new, and saves existing embodied carbon while enlarging the building’s space with a low-carbon material that also stores biogenic carbon.

voor gemeenten en

Veel bestaande wijken kunnen een nieuwe impuls gebruiken: onderhoud, energie, leefbaarheid... Bovendien blijkt uit onderzoek dat er nu vaak minder mensen wonen dan toen ze net gebouwd waren. Met gevolgen voor de sociale binding, het draagvlak van voorzieningen of openbaar vervoer.



Bent u een gemeente of corporatie en geïnteresseerd in wat een wijkscan in uw gemeente kan betekenen?


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over ons

Netwerkbureau van vier zelfstandige architect-/stedenbouwkundigen, gericht op het onderzoeken, ontwerpen en realiseren van (natuur-) inclusieve steden en wijken. Harald Mooij, architect en founding partner, specialist woningbouwontwerp, eigen bureau MOOIJ architectuur en docent/onderzoeker aan de leerstoel woningbouw (TU Delft), auteur/editor van oa Housing Design – a manual (2011) en DASH (Delft Architectural Studies on Housing); Mauro Parravicini, architect en founding partner, specialist modulaire natuurinclusieve bouwsystemen, combineert eigen bureau mauroparravicini architects na grote (inter-) nationale ervaring (Renzo Piano, OMA, Mecanoo) met master docentschap Architectural Engineering & Technology (TU Delft) en Stedenbouw (AHK Amsterdam); Marta Roy Torrecilla, architect / stedenbouwkundig en founding partner, specialist circulair ontwerp, eigen bureau Kartonkraft na grote (inter-) nationale ervaring (West 8, Mecanoo) en momenteel parttime senior projectarchitect bij RAU Architects en master docent Stedenbouw (AHK Amsterdam). Jeroen Bos, architect en founding partner, specialist participatie en wijkontwikkeling, eigen bureau DenkWerk Architectuur en Transformers vof, daarnaast docent House of the Future TU Delft.


about us

New Urban Networks is a network of architects/urban planners, focusing on research and design of inclusive neighborhoods with special attention towards social participation, circularity and nature inclusiveness. NUN members are also active in teaching and writing as integral part of their engagement towards architecture and society. Founding partners: Marta Roy Torrecilla, architect/urban designer, founded Kartonkraft after a long experience at West 8, Mecanoo, part-time senior project architect at RAU Architects and teacher of Urban Design (AHK Amsterdam); Mauro Parravicini, architect, founded mauroparravicini architects' after a long experience at RPBW, OMA, Mecanoo, teacher within the chair of Architectural Engineering at TU Delft and teacher of Urban Design (AHK Amsterdam); Harald Mooij, architect, owner MOOIJ architecture, is lecturer/researcher within the chair of Dwelling at TU Delft, author/editor of ‘Housing Design - a manual’ and ‘DASH’ (Delft Architectural Studies on Housing); Jeroen Bos, architect, specialist in participation and urban development, is owner of DenkWerk Architecture and teacher at House of the Future (TU Delft).


The Hague, The Netherlands, Europe

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